Publicity / Press Releases
contact: Jan Lundberg - tel. 215-243-3144

Following are press releases and reports about petroleum, gas prices and food. Permission to publish is granted, but please notify our offices of where and when these articles are used. Sustainable Energy Institute contact information must be included with each article.

Press Release: 
Power Crisis from Unsustainable Demand

Press Release:  
Oil Crunch to Flow from Strategic Petroleum Reserve Release

Press Release: 
On Petroleum–Food Prices and Gasoline

Op-ed column:
Enter the Age of Conservation
(Appeared in The San Francisco Chronicle on May 6, 2001. Permission to reprint granted when citing the S.F. Chronicle as source where article originally appeared.)

The Sun's Interview with SEI Founder Jan Lundberg 

Jan Lundberg formerly published the Lundberg Letter on oil trends. He makes the case against more roads and cars, and more.