Culture Change
14 February 2025
Home arrow Plastics Plague
The Beauty of Nature versus The Human Fixation. Grassy Fields or Plastic Turf?
by Jan Lundberg   
02 November 2012
Image We have just witnessed the power and fury of nature, with devastating hurricane force. But it is through neglecting the beauty of nature, and perpetrating narrow human interests, that we reap nature's wrath - e.g., Sandy.

We all like to think we appreciate the beauty of nature. But to really know it and appreciate it, we need to keep in perspective a critical understanding of what may be termed the human fixation. This is the modern mindset of constantly putting our human-oriented concerns, desires and schemes first.

Bioplastics: Are They the Solution?
by Sarah (Steve) Mosko, PhD   
11 October 2012
ImageBioplastics are simply plastics derived from renewable biomass sources, like plants and microorganisms, whereas conventional plastics are synthesized from non-renewable fossil fuels, either oil or natural gas. It’s a common misconception, however, that a bioplastic necessarily breaks down better in the environment than conventional plastics.

Bioplastics are nevertheless marketed as being better for the environment, so how do they really compare?

The Problems with Petroleum-Based Plastics

Plastic Ocean: How Bad Is It? - Capt. Charles Moore's talk in Long Beach, March 6
by Jan Lundberg   
21 March 2012
ImageI attended, and Culture Change videotaped, Captain Charles Moore's presentation at the Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, California, on March 6, 2012. The well attended event gave additional insight on the plastic plague afflicting the oceans and our bodies that, along with his celebrated new book Plastic Ocean, surprised and motivated the audience.

Watch it on our website: Plastic Ocean: How Bad Is It?

An ocean of plastic - Capt. Charles Moore on CBS television
by Jan Lundberg   
04 March 2012
Image Also: plastic/petroleum/population overshoot connection; Meryl Streep's plastic water-bottle embrace

The new book Plastic Ocean by Capt. Charles Moore was featured March 4 on CBS television, NY City:

"The invention of plastic was a revelation, but its durability makes it almost impossible to decompose. So where does it go? Into a 'soup' of floating garbage that is filling our oceans. David Pogue of the New York Times reports."

Greening Laundry Day: Avoid Polyester Fabrics
by Sarah (Steve) Mosko, PhD   
05 November 2011
ImageIf you have already switched to an eco-friendly laundry detergent, as many people do to contribute less to water pollution, you might be surprised to learn that the pollution you generate on wash day has as much to do with the kind of fabrics your clothes, bedding and towels are made of as the detergent you wash them in.

Recent studies have revealed that a single garment made of polyester can shed innumerable tiny fibers into the wash water, and those fibers are finding their way to the ocean.

Plastic Ocean: an historic book by the indispensable Capt. Charles Moore
by Jan Lundberg   
14 July 2011
Moore's Alguita
Charles Moore has done more than anyone could imagine after his historic discovery of the monster two-million square mile Great North Pacific Garbage Patch in 1997. He was sailing through the doldrums, but his mind was not in the doldrums. Once back in Long Beach, California, he prepared to go back and research exactly what was all that plastic soup he accidentally encountered on his voyage. He shared his research, conferred with experts, founded a nonprofit organization, and co-produced an award winning documentary, Our Synthetic Sea.
“BPA-Free” Label No Guarantee That Plastics Are Safe
by Sarah (Steve) Mosko, PhD   
29 March 2011
ImageEditor's note: Did you think dangerous plastic is being dealt with? Nope. "Most of a sample of 455 commercially available products tested positive for EA [estrogenic activity]." How about plant-based plastics? "PLA (polylactic acid), a newer resin derived from corn and marketed as compostable under certain conditions, ranked highest with 91 percent of PLA products showing EA."
Subtle Genocide Is Revisiting Cerro Rico, Bolivia
by Jan Lundberg   
17 February 2011
ImageImageThe scene of several million deaths at the hands of Spaniard invaders, Cerro Rico ("rich hill") is just above the city of Potosí in Bolivia. In May 2010, I noted significant amounts of plastic debris all over the mountainside, but I couldn't guess the source. The answer, from my local driver, is that the miners working in the mountain constantly use plastic bags for their daily coca supplies. Chewing the leaves provides stamina and curbs hunger.
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