No Offshore Oil Drilling: Committee Against Oil Exploration (CAOE) |
by Culture Change | |||||
03 April 2010 | |||||
![]() Committee Against Oil ExplorationExpanded offshore oil drilling?
Culture Change is taking the nation's disastrous energy waste head on, with our Committee Against Oil Exploration, to wean our society off diminishing, unreliable supplies that just add to global warming, road slaughter, and more. CAOE seeks to protect sensitive ecosystems from oil pollution and promote maximum conservation to curb dependence on all fossil fuels. If people did not buy so much oil or so many new vehicles, the economy would be rapidly transformed, albeit with serious adjustment difficulties due to the economy's hypersensitivity to the car and related industries. Yet, we must make the transition to a sustainable society the best we can, in hopes of minimizing damage to the Earth and ourselves. Some of us see cultural change, such as no more new oil drilling, as integral and inevitable. Oil dependence will end, as weird as that appears to corporate interests, as part of creating a sustainable society.
"U.S. seaports are the largest and most poorly regulated sources of urban pollution in the country." -- NRDC, Harboring Pollution
Background and VisionOil and natural gas are so dominant and subsidized that alternative solutions seem out of reach. Change happens whether we are ready or not. Global oil production is peaking right about now; the downslope means that growth for the world corporate economy is directly threatened. Everyone must get ready for sustainable alternatives to survive oil scarcity. Isn't it time for a cap on much of the greenhouse gases, such as from offshore oil drilling as a form of fossil fuel combustion? It's time to make it happen. One reason is that technofixes for a huge, green consumer economy are not truly sustainable, even if they were ready now. Meanwhile their assumed arrival puts off serious and overdue cuts in energy waste today. We will incorporate slashing energy use now with our efforts to stop the exploitation of oil fields that should be off limits forever. Help bring this about by linking together with us. Most Americans agree it’s time to protect the environment and stop giving out more corporate welfare to the polluting energy companies. Offshore oil drilling and development of the East Coast and the sensitive Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) are questionable supply-bandaids to try delaying the inevitable post-peak oil collapse by a few years. Local-based groups are understaffed and underfunded for this daunting task in their threatened areas. Our attention to their struggles is a significant way to help galvanize support. The Case against Offshore Oil
Over its lifetime, a single oil rig can:
History of accidents and violations
Global oil extraction history
To become part of CAOE, email or write to us at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , or send mail to P.O. Box 4347, Arcata, CA 95518 USA. The Committee Against Oil Exploration already has some strategy in motion to link up grassroots groups and give them broader support. Also, support the campaign for the "No Action" alternative in the government’s current proposal to allow oil and gas lease sales in Alaskan and Gulf outer continental shelf areas from 2002-2007. Send a letter to President Obama and your Congressional Representatives and tell them you are one more citizen against new offshore oil drilling. Web resources for activism:Send a message to President Obama -- 1,000,000 Strong Against Offshore Drilling -- World Oil Reduction for the Gulf is a longer-term approach to deal with catastrophic oil spills. WORG is the Culture Change-led coalition formed to respond to the BP-Macondo well blow-out in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Rainforest Action Network: Freedom From Oil: Breaking America’s Oil Addiction Not the Answer: Surfrider Foundation sounds off on offshore drilling -- Web resources for information:Expanded Offshore Alaska Oil Drilling? -- Experts Worry about Cleanup of Arctic Oil Spills -- Marine Conservation Biology Institute -- Dept. of Interior's Minerals Management Service: Disposal of Offshore Oil/Gas Installations -- Greenpeace
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