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Culture Change
archive: columns on peak oil, petroleum dependence, overpopulation, social phenomena and sustainable living, by Jan Lundberg

#97 May 29, 2005 A critique of pure liberalism / The System's opponents are not liberals 

#96 May 20, 2005 Goodbye American Dreamland: Congress hears quote by Jan Lundberg on peak oil

#95 May 10, 2005 More traffic congestion is funded / Alien American dream changes the Earth

#94 May 5, 2005 A culture of torture: out of control? -  Pepperspray via Q-tip, war, ecocide, etc.

#93 April 23, 2005 Depaver Jan's Petroleum Tour: Earth Day reality check

#92 April 8, 2005 Fasting for healing and inner peace

#91 March 25, 2005 Activists and hipsters without territory or a plan  part 1: the problem / part 2: the solution

#90 March 15, 2005 From the northern redwoods to Berkeley Babylon

#89 March 11, 2005 Ways to end car culture along with the globalized trade godzilla articles by Jan Lundberg and Julian Darley 

#88 February 28, 2005 Peak oil in a nutshell - Here comes the nutcracker

#87 February 25, 2005 A survey on trends and outcomes from a long, personal perspective

#86 February 17, 2005 A spear through the global warming beast’s heart? - In defense of islands, the Arctic, ourselves

#85 February 9, 2005 The awakening of the downtrodden  — Are you the downtrodden?

#84 January 24, 2005 The David Brower Memorial Parking Garage is on a head of steam (a greenhouse gas)

#83 January 11, 2005 Bangladesh Strife: Crimes against children, women, and minorities

#82 December 20, 2004 War on plastic  -  Rejecting the toxic plague

#81 November 30, 2004 Materialist culture and the ego: expendable artifacts? 

#80 November 17, 2004 Collapse of the petroleum delusion / Rise of the DIY movement

#79 November 5, 2004 After the latest mistake, it's up to us The reelection of Bush after seeing so much energy put into electing a Democrat

#78 October 30, 2004 Teresa Heinz Kerry for First Lady White House election endorsement

#77 October 22, 2004 On greening the petroleum economy The technofix isn't

#76 October 15, 2004 Resisting the war machine and U.S. ecocide

#75 September 19, 2004 An activist's memo on the pepper spray-by-Q-tip trial

#74 September 8, 2004 Doom and gloom?  Your perception calls the tune —  Interconnectedness of all in the universe

#73 August 31, 2004 Global corporate slave society ahead? The rise of corporate rule and its opposition

#72 August 22, 2004 The end of false progress - Origins of materialism, and implications for our future

#71 August 13, 2004 The rise and fall of Sustainable Energy Institute, 1988 - 2004

#70 August 2, 2004 Plastics: Your Formidable Enemy Questioning exposure, recycling, biodegradability, alternatives 

#69 July 24, 2004 Factors of instability for a disturbed population (second of two parts)

#68 July 14, 2004 Can the ecopsychologically disturbed citizenry question legitimacy of rulers? (first of two parts)

#67 July 5, 2004 What's missing from Fahrenheit 9/11 — the first movie to demolish a president

#66 June 30, 2004
"Separation from nature" impossible despite rising social alienation

#65 June 6, 2004 Rebelling against extinction — As surely as the red sun rises

#64 May 27, 2004 Al Gore fires up hearts but oozes myth

#63 May 21, 2004 A David Brower Memorial Parking Garage in Berkeley?

#62 May 2, 2004 The reality beyond the trappings of technological society — Freeing the world beneath the pavement

#61 April 26, 2004 Movements with too careful leadership = stagnation — Daily cultural revolution or annual marches?

#60 April 16, 2004 "Paper or plastic?":  Why the kill-for-oil culture will collapse and die
#59 April 16, 2004 The coming global catastrophe — and ways to preempt it

#58 April 8, 2004 Overshadowing global warming's pressure cooker:  Putting Iraq, oil prices, and 9-11 in perspective

#57 March 31, 2004 The right to be poor and to thrive — Toward a Constitutional Amendment

#56 March 20, 2004  Song-dreams for a peaceful Earth — I can't refuse the muse

#55 February 29, 2004 Dam blasting and building the greenhouse world - The activist within calls us

#54 February 17, 2004 A First Lady of sustainability? - Teresa Heinz Kerry

#53 February 1, 2004 This is no way to live

#52 January 25, 2004 Me-firstism: Dominant society treats consumerism's premise as a detail - The war for love

#51 January 16, 2004 Are proponents of a peaceful Earth rejecting materialism?  Freedom up against materialism, climate change, overpopulation

#50 January 10, 2004 Poem for the cultural revolution:  A nonviolent scenario: Ready for deep revolution?

#49 January 3, 2004 The masses: a cornered animal

#48 December 27, 2003
Curse of the well informed — Paying off in 2004?

#47 December 18, 2003 Peace and the U.S. petro-city

#46 December 14, 2003 United Nations Climate Change Conference: Growth remains the strategy

#45December 2, 2003 Brain control of the masses via pollutants 

#44November 25, 2003 Overpopulation's toll: Water privatization and the rising conflict


3November 19, 2003 The corporado's life and its antithesis


2 November 12, 2003  Resisting nanotech, violence and the corporate state — They're coming for you

#41: November 6, 2003 Tyranny of mediocrity — The opposite of tribal fineness

#40: October 30, 2003 Opposing the Plan Puebla Panama and FTAA:  "Free trade" for Mesoamerica: roads, dams and death

#39: October 21, 2003 —
Modern perception's limitations and The curtain of materialist society's illusion

#38: October 14, 2003 — We came down from the trees, now we cut them  -  The new transition to sustainability

#37: October 6, 2003 —  I love nature so I sleep with her — Living outside the box

#36: September 28, 2003 — Dysfunction: more individual or societal? — Overcoming the BS

#35: September 19, 2003 — The solidarity option — I get by with a little help from my friends

#34: September 12, 2003 —
Chaos, collapse and survival - Birth of a culture

#33: September 6, 2003 — Party on, Babylon - Civilizations do end

#32: August 30, 2003 — Ration oil during war — Or is this a War on Conservation?

#31: August 25, 2003 — On Borrowed Time

#30: August 17, 2003 — Private property's not what it's cracked up to be — Question realty — I was way yuppie

#29: August 10, 2003 — Goodbye to the War Party (Republicrats et al) and the nuclear threat

#28: August 2, 2003 — The joy of riding a bike: sticking it to corporate polluters

#27: July 26, 2003 — Mr. AmeriCop, inmate/warden - The daily grind in a society mentally ill

#26: July 16, 2003 — Forming a Global Warming Crisis Council

#25: July 10, 2003 — Industrial society has polluted enough — Shutting Down the WTO Economy?

#24: June 26, 2003 — The oil industry has plans for you: blow-back

#23: June 13, 2003 — Shattering illusions and building freedom are unpopular for now

#22: June 7, 2003 — Why money and materialism aren't the answer

#21: May 24, 2003 — The Machine versus Food-Not-Lawns 

#20: May 15, 2003 — Petroleum culture versus Earth living
— The fallacy of the renewable energy technofix 

#19: May 9, 2003 —The tragedy of money relations
 — and the alternative

#18: May 2, 2003 — The cost of oil security:  No more war
—Become informed, and act

#17: April 24, 2003 — False prosperity from oil:
It is the obedient workers who will eat — for now

#16: April 16, 2003 — Is the market The Enemy?

#15: April 7, 2003 — U.S. civilization's weakness evident in family trends

#14: March 2003 — The peace movement and oil

#13: March 2003 — Sustainability starts with family solidarity

#12: February 2003 — Institute of Petroleum hears Sustainable Energy message

#11: January 2003 — Citizen petroleum councils: toward conservation, food security and peace

#10: January 2003 — 7 notions for a livable new year

#9: December 2002 — The Holy — Daniel Quinn's novel reviewed

#8: November 2002 — Health care tribe: elder care "insurance"

#7: October 2002 — Ending U.S. oil tyranny 

#6: October 2002 — The nature revolution

#5: September 2002 — Sustainable eating

#4: August 2002 — Where lies failure of the world summit on sustainable development

#3: August 2002 — Spare Iraq and the atmosphere, avoid oil shock

#2: July 2002 — Hunting and gathering in Ecotopia

#1: June 2002 — Alternative to techno-enslavement


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Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute (formerly Fossil Fuels Policy Action), a nonprofit organization.