Culture Change
22 October 2024
James Hansen's Climate Blindspot PDF Print E-mail
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by Jan Lundberg   
01 January 2016
Dr. James Hansen, former head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies,
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I heard some red flags in Hansen's presentation at Place To Brief, a citizens' networking hub in Paris.
I recorded my question, which he partly cut off, but the exchange was still interesting. I will put the recoding on the Facebook pages of Culture Change and Sail Transport Network. Before my exchange with him I made these notes based on his statements:

"No global cap on CO2 exists, so cap & trade doesn't work for country by country basis. COP21 won't work because they're not doing enough. Global emissions will keep going up. Multi meter sea level rise in decades.

"carbon fee by big polluting nations. They would charge any non-participating countries for imports.

James Hansen, Paris 1 Dec. 2015/photo J Lundberg

"Hansen believes that fossil fuels have brought better living and that alternatives need to step in especially for countries that "deserve" to use more energy. He doesn't get that simple living is good. He sells his carbon fee by calling for a dividend to all payers of fossil fuels --to boost the economy. This would mean more mass consumption."

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